Oxford/Orion FISH provides emergency aid in the form of food and agency referrals to individuals in Oxford, Lake Orion, Addison and Oakland Township. People who have a need for groceries can call our office at 248.628.3933. Leave a message if our volunteers are not in the office, and they will call you back, address your concern, identify the need, and work toward a solution. You may be a new client and in need of food, a current client calling to schedule your monthly food pickup, someone who needs a referral for additional assistance, or perhaps to ask about donating money or food to our pantry.
All donations to FISH goes into helping those in need. “Every penny and 100% of the work at the pantry is done by FISH volunteers and board members who volunteer because they care and wish to do something positive for the community.” |
Oakland County is known as one of the wealthier areas in the state, but many people are surprised that there are families in need. The need does exist and because of our generous neighbors, FISH also provides nutritional snacks to the Oxford and Lake Orion elementary, middle and high schools.
Every FISH chapter across the country is chartered individually and operates independently according to the resources available to the chapter. There is no national umbrella or national organization. We are a group of volunteers who staff the phones and pantry three days a week.
FISH has a board of directors who oversee the programs and services we offer on behalf of those in need in our community, make decisions on how best to respond to their needs, provide guidance and training to our volunteers, and support programs that ensure our pantry shelves contain the highest quality of goods we can provide. |
... FISH only exists because of community support
While we work closely with other family-aid agencies to assist our neighbors, we are unique in that we are financially supported primarily by private contributions from residents, businesses, area churches and schools. Although Gleaners and Forgotten Harvest give us some surplus food, most of our food is collected through local food drives conducted by groups such as the Postal workers, Orion Neighborhood Television (ONTV), Meijer Simply Give program, schools, businesses, churches, boy and girl scouts, and local civic and religious organizations.
Food is also purchased from local merchants using the financial resources given to us from many individuals and churches who donate to us, youth groups such as scouts who collect bottles, cans and food; groups such as women's and men's clubs who find creative ways to support FISH with raffles, rummage sales, selling flowers, and so forth. Some supporters make cash or gift card donations regularly.
Food is also purchased from local merchants using the financial resources given to us from many individuals and churches who donate to us, youth groups such as scouts who collect bottles, cans and food; groups such as women's and men's clubs who find creative ways to support FISH with raffles, rummage sales, selling flowers, and so forth. Some supporters make cash or gift card donations regularly.